Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween Circuit Training

This morning, we got an early start again at 5:45 am for circuit training. Nice and easy warmup run over to Austin High with Jennifer and Brian. Drills in the brightening skies showed that we had a lot of extra bodies there today. We ended up with maybe 30 folks, including a lot of the Chicago peeps coming back to regular workouts. Marathoners and half marathoners were to do 800m runs between circuits, the usual exercises. I ran all the 800's with Brian, Jennifer and Charlene, and we took it easy, running at 60% like Gilbert told us. We ended up with only 3 full circuits of exercises, though, before Gilbert called us all over for other fun stuff. The circuit exercises themselves aren't that big of a deal now that I've been good about going to the gym, but it's still a workout that lets you know you're working a bit.

The extra stuff was 2 x 1:00 rounds of "fast feet," followed by 2 x "running while holding breath," and then we repeated that. Total of 4 x 1:00 fast feet and 4 x 75-85 yards of running holding breath. Still not really sure what the holding breath thing is about, but we do it anyway.

Ran back with Jennifer, Brian and Matt, a little faster than the warmup, but still very comfortable. I stayed afterwards and stretched with Alex while we talked about various topics, mostly running. Shannon and Amy were there, too, after their 7 miler this morning, so we got a chance to talk, as well. It was really overcast and humid, with slightly warmer temps, but it was still way better weather than we had for all of September. For the day, 5.5 miles. Gilbert gave us permission to do a nice and easy 30-45 minute run this evening, so I might experiment with that. We've only got two hard workouts this week, Wednesday's 12-16 x 400m repeats, and Saturday's 16-18 miler. Otherwise, it's fairly casual.

Happy Halloween!

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