Thursday, October 27, 2005

Dancin' In The Moonlight

Okay, so I didn't actually dance. But, tonight's recovery/easy hour run was particularly fun. I felt really comfortable and light on my feet, and the time passed quickly. I covered 6.6 miles in my 60 minutes, more or less, for a 9:11 average pace. I pushed a tiny bit harder than usual, HR-wise, but it didn't feel all that rushed. I'll be more careful with these runs as the mileage piles up, but tonight it felt like this is how I should be running. I moved today's run to the evening on purpose, to get a little more rest time between it and the 800m repeats yesterday morning. 36 hours rest instead of 24. With no run tomorrow, this spaces out the Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday runs nicely.

Did some balance drills when I got back to the house (the run was on the usual combination of road and trails in the 'Hood) and finished the run off with some strider-like action. Also did a good bit of the stretching once I got inside. Tomorrow is gymtastic, and then we get some more hills in the longer run on Saturday. Should be fun!

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