Friday, October 07, 2005

Gym + Cycle

The cool front finished blowing in today, and it's absolutely great running weather! I can't wait for tomorrow's Bonnell run. It should be just perfect.

My exercise activities today, however, were of the indoor variety. Started with 17 minutes on the cycle to spin up the legs and get the HR pumping ever so gently. Then, core stuff was the vast majority of the actual weight work. Added some time to the plank exercises, and I'm happy to note that all this work must be helping, because some of the stuff is getting easier for me. Cool. Easy leg stuff today, with quad extensions, hamstring curls and calf raises. Those just finish flushing the legs of the Wednesday and Thursday runs. Upper body was the minimal bicep curls, bench press and tricep extensions. I added some weight to bench, and I'm now at 2x12 @ 85 pounds there. Creeping up ever so slowly on the magical 100 lb mark for bench.

I saw three people in particular who either intimidated or amused me. While I was cycling, I saw a young woman dressed in more or less normal workout clothes, but over her sports bra top, she was wearing a slinky camisole. What's up with that? She was not an uber-babe, either. Then, I saw a guy on the elliptical machine, hunched over it, pumping away at a zillion steps per second, holding onto the rails for dear life. Maybe Alex hits the elliptical like that, but it just looked deeply wrong compared to everyone else's form on the machine. The last person was a woman who was doing upper body stuff while I was doing bicep curls. While I was huffing away at my 50 lb. curl bar, I noticed she was doing curls with 50 pounds in each hand, followed by a quick set of some other arm exercise with a big bar. There's always someone around who is farther along on the fitness scale than you, I guess, but it was startling in this case.

A good workout, and I'm looking forward to Bonnell tomorrow. I hope Gilbert's cousin Bernard remembers to put out the two coolers he's responsible for! I've got the one on Mt. Bonnell covered, but he's got the other two that'll be out there for us. If he forgets, we've got backup places for fluids, but we can keep our fingers crossed in the meantime.

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