Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Slim Gym

Not really. It was a pretty fun day in the gym, at least as much fun as that sort of thing can be. I was much smarter than last Friday, and had a banana and Power Bar before the workout instead of big 'ol Fuddruckers lunch, and that certainly helped my outlook.

The core stuff was occasionally rugged, but basically I've got two chunks of exercises there that are toughest. The first hard things are the first things I do, the Roman Chair straight leg lifts and the knee raises. Those are just tough, especially since they're first, but after that, most of the following exercises aren't so bad. Until the Plank, that is. I've added those static position exercises, the Plank, the leg lift, and the Oblique plank (or whatever it's called). I'm slowly increasing the time on each of those, but it's serious Tremble Time towards the end of each one of those. Good for me, but challenging.

Today on legs, I added the 4-way hip machine back into the mix, since I had time for it. Those exercises are mostly a recovery type thing, to help flush out the legs on off days.

Upper body exercises were less involved due to slight time crunch, but I got in quality sets of bicep curls, bench, and tricep extensions.

All things considered, a really good workout. Once I took off the iPod, I realized once again how dreadful much of the in-house music is at Gold's, and was grateful for my musical toy. A fun segue today was during calf raises, when the song sequence went: The Cult's "Little Devil" to AC/DC's "Hell's Bells." Blind luck will generate seemingly brilliant song sequences, but it's still fun when the iPod does stuff like that.

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