Saturday, October 15, 2005

Nice and Easy

This morning, we got to sleep in and meet at 7:30 am for 30 easy minutes of running on the trail. A good sized group was present, and it was a good opportunity to chat and laugh while we got the legs moving. Really really easy running. 10:00/mile running. About 3 miles, just over 30 minutes. No GPS required today.

After that, we did 6x100m striders on the grass, and then Gilbert had us do his balance drills (the Tsch, tsch, tsch drills). That was pretty funny, especially listening to the new folks grumble that "I'll never get this right..."

Patrick, Anne, Jason, Kenny and Sean joined us at the end of the drills for the stretching bonanza. They did maybe 2 or 3 miles, super easy, for their first runs since Chicago. It was good to see them and hear their marathon stories. Stretching was huge, with dozens of folks all lined up along the side of RunTex, but it was still fun. Gilbert was loose, going around and correcting form on the various stretches.

After that, Gilbert gave us some race advice and a verbal course preview, and we were done. Volel, Richard and I picked up our race packets for tomorrow (and I got some GU to replenish my supplies). Too bad they didn't do the race shirts like they did the volunteer shirts! The volunteer shirts were plain t-shirts, but they were bright yellow with the "Superman" Pervasive logo on them. The official shirts were technical short-sleeve shirts, but workout gray in color. Oh, well. It was such a nice morning that it was hard to get moving back home, but eventually the need to return home overwhelmed the fun of hanging out with my running friends, and it was time to go. We'll meet tomorrow morning at 6:30 for warmups, and then it's time to tackle the Pervasive 10 Miler.

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