Friday, October 21, 2005


Friday's gym visit was typical. 20 minutes warmup on the cycle, then the standard workout. Took the time today to get in 15 minutes of stretching after the cycle, which helped a lot. I've been feeling a little beaten up, and the stretch was a good thing. Long core workout, then legs and upper body. Didn't step up on any of the exercises today, but on Tuesday I'll be moving up on a few, having reached the 2x12 or 2x15 stage for consecutive workouts with a couple of the exercises. That's when I move the weight up one click. I won't bore you too much with the iPod details, but I did get both John Lennon and Paul McCartney's solo works represented, an evenhanded approach. After the workout, it was time to get rested for tomorrow's hilly long run. Lots of fluids, and I'm looking forward to this one, I think. I sure hope we don't do the even longer version of tomorrow's route in a couple of weeks for 18 miles!

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