Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Tote that Barge, Lift that Bale!

Today was the "other" weight exercises left over from Tuesday. The core stuff was tough in the usual spots, namely the Roman Chair leg lifts and the bookend planks at the other end of the workout portion. It's all for a good reason, but man, some of that stuff just isn't very fun. The upper body stuff went well, and I managed to grind out 2x10 bench press at 90 lbs. Next time, it'll be time to step up to 95 lbs and the long-awaited 25 lb wheels on each end of the bar. Cool.

The gym is under some serious rehabilitation while it remains open, so today I noticed that they've replaced a large swath of vinyl tiles with stone tile. An improvement? Don't know. No cycle warmup or cooldown today, since I plan on running later on this evening. Might take a day off of running, though, as a mini-taper for Motive this weekend. We'll see. Either today or tomorrow, I need to do the fartlek workout, and then it's easy street until Sunday morning.

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