Thursday, November 03, 2005

Legs And Only Legs (A GymAdventure)

For workout #2 today, I ventured up to Gold's after the morning hour run for a weight workout only for the legs. I'm experimenting with splitting the weight workout that is normally on Friday, dropping the leg weight work to Thursdays to allow more concentrated effort while giving myself an extra day for more rest before the long runs. Core and upper body will still be on Friday.

Anyway, it was pretty strange going in for less than the full workout, but it was a good one. Started off with the regular exercises, and I got the 4-way hip machine in today, too. Added weight to the seated calf raises, to 45 lbs. Then, I moved to the scary monster freeweight room for the other leg exercises. First, standing calf raises on the purpose-built machine/sled for those. Started with a set at 80 lbs, then a set at 60 lbs. Then, I finished things off with the leg press sled in which your legs are above your body, unlike Tuesday. I started today with two sets of 10 at 140 lbs, to get the feel of the machine and exercise. I did not press all the way down, keeping my knee angle to something less acute than 90 degrees. I'll carefully adjust weight on both of those exercises until they're properly set. It was actually a pretty fun workout, and my legs felt fine before and after.

I got on the only properly functioning Precor cycle at that point, and spun away for 10 minutes to help cooldown and flush out the legs. Not bad. Then, I did the full stretching regimen, to finish off the job. Another good day at the gym, despite the construction going on at Gold's. They're remodeling the locker rooms, and had a couple of banks of lockers bolted temporarily out in the gym because of that. Shower facilities are in another building. Yee haw, and all that.

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