Tuesday, November 01, 2005


This morning, following Alex's example, I dashed up to Gold's for my Tuesday weight workout after the 7 miler. It was a pretty good one. Already warmed up after the run, I went right to the weights. Core stuff was the complete set, except I skipped the Roman Chair exercises today because the Chair was occupied when I wanted to start, and I just never got inspired to tackle it once I started the other exercises. I added leg presses to the routine, along with some straight-legged calf raises. It'll be interesting to see how these affect my running tomorrow. I used the leg press sled where your body weight is part of the exercise. Next time, I'll try the one where you are only pressing weight up with your legs instead. Upper body stuff saw the first try at 60 lbs on bicep curl bar, and I cranked out 2x8 of those. Did well on the other upper body stuff, too. All in all, a quality gym visit.

Wednesday is 12-16 x 400m, Thursday is an easy one hour run + a gym visit just for the leg exercises (another experiment with the schedule), Friday is a gym visit for just cycle warmup and then core/upper body workouts.

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