Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"Essential Leg Exercises"

Continuing my plundering of Alex's Book on Exercise, I followed up the easy 7 miler this morning with a visit to Gold's Gym for leg exercises. I wasn't feeling totally up to the full body workout, so I figured doing just the leg weights would be the right amount of extra work. I did the easy quad extensions and hamstring curls, just to help flush out the legs. Then, seated calf raises. The 4-way hip machine wasn't too bad, except when I whacked my knee on the handles as I did one side of the hip flexor raise. Ouch. Only one "whack," but it stung. Then, I went into the Big Boy workout room with the big plates, and did leg presses and then standing calf raises. Legs felt fine throughout, although I can tell my hamstrings are still a little stiff.

Followed all that up with 10 minutes on the cycle to warmdown, and then did the stretching again, at least the hip stuff and hamstring stretches. Can't hurt, right?

That was enough for the day. I'll do the core/upper body exercises tomorrow after the 1000m repeats.

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