Friday, November 11, 2005


Ah, yes. A day off of running. Although I feel just fine, and my legs feel rested, it's nice to have these planned days off during the running week. As Robert Ludlum wrote in his Bourne Identity books, "Rest is a weapon."

I did get to the gym today, and did my core/upper body portion of the routine. It went well. No big improvements in anything, but I'm slowly working my way upward and onward. By next week, I hope to move up to 95 lbs on bench press, which will mean putting a fairly large wheel of iron on each side of the bar. Aesthetically speaking, that will be a cool thing.

No cycling today, just because it just didn't sound too fun. I did get down to RunTex and I snagged a new pair of Mizuno Creations right off the loading pallet. Yes, I paid for them. With larger sized shoes, you sometimes have to get there right when the shipment arrives to guarantee your fit. Chatted with Gilbert for a bit while I was there, but he was busy with a lady who was trying at least 7 different shoe models on to find her fit.

Time to carbo-load just a bit for Mt. Bonnell tomorrow.

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