Saturday, February 19, 2005

A Little Fast, but Okay

I got a little frisky this morning down at the Town Lake trail. The intent was to meet the group at 7:30 for a nice easy 3-6 miles. Instead, I overslept a bit, and got down there closer to 8:00, so I had to run alone. I set out, intending to go out and back to arrive at RunTex in time for stretching at 8:30. Off I went. The weather was drizzly and mist, about 55 degrees. I was pretty good going out, averaging about 9:10 or so. I saw several Gazelles going back the other way, and decided I'd try to catch up with Joseph and Shannon on the way back. I guess I didn't realize how fast I was running, but it turns out I was averaging something like 8:15 miles going back. Oops. I felt really good, and it didn't seem that fast to me. I ended up doing 3.4 miles, more or less (no GPS today again), 8:45 mile average. Too fast, I know, but I'll be a good boy next week.

Afterwards, we gathered for the full stretching routine, and that was fun. It was nice to see some of the troops a week after the marathon, just to touch base. Alex seems to be better, or at least he has a plan to get over his injury now, and everyone else is glad to be running again. Jan is going to jump back into the regular Gazelles speedwork routine this week, but I'm taking one more week away, just to make sure my body has a chance to recover even more.

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