Friday, February 11, 2005

Les Expo

I visited the Expo today, and I was pleasantly surprised. This year, besides the enormous RunTex area in the middle of the proceedings, there were many of the "off brand" or "discount" vendors in attendance, along with a good number of the usual vendors (races, running groups, sunglasses, chiropractic adjustment, etc.). I took 30 minutes or so to wander around after I picked up my race packet, and saw some people that I knew, including the race directors for the Durango Marathon, who I met a year ago at a Galloway function in Florida. The packet pickup was really cool, by the way, with the Distance Challenge people getting to pick up their stuff in a special line. The DC race bib is a different color from the other numbers, which is pretty neat, too, even if it is pink. The race bib has our number on it (I'm #437), and it has our first name on it in smaller letters, which is a good idea.

I didn't find anything that was screaming at me to purchase, so I left after maybe 45 minutes total. I did take the time to chat with Rich Benyo, one of the editors of Marathon & Beyond, a very fine running periodical. I told him that I was a devoted reader of his magazine, and that made him feel good. I also met Dick Beardsley at the M&B booth. The Mizuno guys had the newest iteration of my shoe, the Mizuno Creation 6, on display, which they said had some slight fit changes in the upper, but no changes to the business part of the shoe, the insole, midsole and outsole. The new colors for Spring are back to an orange, and in the Fall, they'll go back to blue and black.

My legs feel seriously rubbery today, which is another manifestation of taper madness. I shall ignore that. I slept well last night, and I'm looking forward to another good night of sleep tonight. That's all I can do at this point, right?

Just 40 more hours, give or take...

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