Sunday, October 10, 2004

I woke up today a little stiff, mainly in my back, but nothing too bad. Went down to the trail to lead the Galloway Finishers group on their 9 mile journey. The weather was nice enough, maybe 68 degrees. We toured the two loops on the hike and bike trail doing the Run 3/ Walk 1 routine, and despite my attempts to rein them in, they pushed the pace. We ended up doing just over 9 miles in 1:45 and change, for an average pace of 11:38. Still too fast for that group, but they seemed just fine with it.

For the week, 45.5 miles, a new record mileage week for me. I feel pretty good, despite the mileage and intensity of much of the training. Rest will be important, as well as keeping up the stretching and good nutrition. I can't wait until the Pervasive 10 miler in a couple of weeks, to see where all this is taking me!

Tomorrow is a Gilbert Fartlek run, 20 minutes warmup/cooldown, with 10 x 2:00 pickups in the middle with 0:45 rest between each acceleration. I hope to knock it out early, before going to Sarah's parent/teacher conference.

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