Tuesday, October 19, 2004

400m Repeats.

This morning, it was humid and muggy, 75 degrees or so, with a breeze, as we headed out at 6:00 am with the Gazelles. It was a very large group this morning, as we had 5 or 6 new folks joining us. We headed to the track for 400m repeats. After the usual drills, Gilbert gave us our marching orders. The newbies would do the circuit training workout, and those not racing this weekend were also to do the circuit. All of us racing the Pervasive 10 miler this weekend were to do 10 x 400m repeats, 1:00 rest between, and the NYC marathoners were to do 15 x 400m. I was supposed to do my repeats in 1:45, which was faster than my average pace when I did this workout last (6 weeks ago). So, I set out with Frank and Henry. Our first repeat was slow, as we found the range. After that, we clicked them off in very solid fashion: 1:52, 1:43, 1:44, 1:44, 1:46, 1:44, 1:43, 1:44, 1:42, 1:39. I felt really strong during these, and even tried to use the Gilbert high knee, butt kick form on the last couple of repeats. Frank did his 15, completing his extra 5 after our 10. It was nice to see improvement just in 6 weeks, but hopefully that is just another sign that I'm getting into some good shape.

I'll be curious to see what Gilbert's marathon taper program is, by checking with Frank. This was the last hard speedwork for the NYC marathoners, I believe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess I am the first one to try this out.
Nice new title for the blog "One man's journey etc."