Sunday, October 17, 2004

I finished off another good week of training by leading the Galloway Freescale time goal people through their first hill repeat workout. The hills are a quarter mile long, and I ran their pace, about 2:04 average (8:16/mile). We did 6 repeats, with the jog/walk down the hill serving as recovery, plus whatever time was required to get to 4:00 recovery between repeats. They worked hard, and enjoyed the workout, I think. They were ready to do some faster stuff.

So, the total workout today was about 6.5 miles, including warmup/cooldown. I felt better at the end than I did beforehand, and did the full Gilbert stretching routine afterwards, because I had the time.

When I went to recover the water and cooler that I left out for the folks doing their long run, I met the GalloWayers there, and it was nice to chat with them for a bit.

Total mileage for the week, 36 miles. Long run 10 miles, two good 1000m interval workouts, a hill repeat workout, and a Fartlek workout totalling 7.5 miles. It was a good week. Next week starts with the most important workout, a marathon tempo run on Monday, then some 400's on Tuesday, recovery run on Wednesday, and Gilbert's tuneup fartlek workout (10 x 1:00 accelerations, 1:00 rest) on Thursday. Friday is off, Saturday is a very short run, 30-40 minutes, followed by stretching. Sunday is the Pervasive 10 miler. Should be very interesting!

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