Sunday, November 14, 2004

Weekly Totals

Weekly totals: 5 runs, 42.4 miles. One great long run, mile repeats, marathon pace run, and two recovery runs. It was a good week. Next week will be shorter on mileage as we do a semi-taper for the Motive Half Marathon next Sunday. I'm really looking forward to that race! I have the progressive 10 mile run on Monday, then 5-6 x 1,000m hilly repeats on Tuesday, a recovery run of 45-60 minutes on Wednesday, and the usual fartlek workout on Thursday (10 x 1:00 accelerations, 1:00 rest between).

Off Day

This morning, there were plenty of people to lead the Galloway group, so I could come back and take a day off of running after yesterday's long journey. I'm a little stiff and sore this morning, but later, I'll do some easy cycling indoors and then stretch to work out some of those kinks.

The rain has come this morning, too, a steady light rain that is supposed to be around for most of the next four days. Running on the hilly Meriden 1,000m loop on Tuesday will be spooky if it's raining.

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