Friday, November 19, 2004

Rest Day

Another full scheduled rest day today. I stretched a bit and worked on my calf with The Stick torture/massage device, trying to work out the knots there. Otherwise, I feel pretty good. The weather is nice today, but it's supposed to cloud up and be rainy over the weekend. Should be interesting if it's raining on race morning on Sunday. Tomorrow morning is a very relaxed run with Gilbert leading the way, and then we'll do the usual long stretching session as a group. I'm starting to get slightly nervous and excited now about the half marathon on Sunday, but I'll try to channel that into a positive force. I know I'm ready, training-wise, to run a good time. I'm a little worried about my persistent soreness in my leg, but since I felt fine running the fartlek workout yesterday, I know that's just something I'll have to work out. The whole key to Sunday is getting to the 7 mile mark without emptying the energy tank going up the long long hilly section. After that, I can slowly pick up the pace just like it was a long training run or like the progressive 10 miler on Monday. It should be interesting.

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