Tuesday, June 12, 2007

EZ HR Runnin' and Yardwork

Today was a bit off-kilter, but all in all a good day. I spent a good bit of time today mowing and edging, those banes of suburban existence. It has been a while since I've tackled the backyard, and it was like taking a machete to the jungle. Still, the neighbors can now breathe a sigh of relief that my yard is right in Stepford step with everyone else's. :-)

That, along with some other errands, chewed up my available time, so I didn't get to the gym today. Instead, I had the aforementioned alternate yardwork cross-training, and I did the basic core exercises here at home after my recovery run this evening. The run? A very successful HR excursion, with the average rate way down for the first time in quite a while. Maybe things are starting to click a bit. 40 minutes, 4.17 miles, average pace a relaxed 9:35/mile. The only issue that I'm having is that the Garmin's alert beeper seems to have lost its pep. I've got a request into Tech Support to find out if there's a solution. It's not a big problem except when I'm doing some sort of interval workout and need the periodic alerts to stop or start running. More as it becomes available...

The iPod delivered a wildly eclectic mix tonight, too. Even Pink Floyd made an appearance in my ears. It seems that it was mostly folk music tonight, and quieter rock. Sort of nice. At least one fun Warren Zevon tune, "A Certain Girl," which I believe is a cover. I'll check on that.

Tomorrow, we've got (I think) a longer interval fartlek workout (3:00 faster bits, and 1:00 recovery x 6-10 repetitions). Pacing will be critical, as usual. I may sneak up to the gym to do most of the workout that I missed today, too. We'll see.

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