Tuesday, January 31, 2006

1, 2, 3, 4!

This afternoon, I got off my duff and went to the gym for essential exercises (or a reasonable facsimile thereof). Did floor exercises and back raises/obliques for core. After yesterday's extensive core work, that was enough for today there. Did single sets of the leg weights, which felt great in helping me work out any minor stiffness or soreness remaining after 3M. Doing the single sets is enough to stimulate the muscles, but not enough to tire them out or break down muscle tissue. I won't do them during Marathon Week, but until then, they still serve a purpose. I went ahead and did full upper body sets and weights, just for fun. I'll probably even back down to single sets there next week, just to continue to let the whole body get primed for the marathon. I was glad to visit the gym, and got done in an efficient 55 minutes.

Tomorrow, I get to do my speedwork on my own, but I think Gilbert is calling for a change, so it should be easier to do a tempo run type workout than it would have been to do 10 x 800m.

2 weeks, 5 days until Freescale. Not that I'm counting...

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