Thursday, January 05, 2006

Longhorns Are National Champs!!

What a game! Vince Young just might be Superman. If you didn't watch the national championship football game, you really missed a magnificent contest. The second half, in particular, was just amazing. The level of athletic talent on the field was staggering, and it seems like virtually everyone there played up to that level. That's rare in sports, where all those in the game play at their maximum ability. It was a treat, and it was even over by 11:20 or so.

Anyway, it was a great game, it lived up to and surpassed the hype surrounding it, and the team I was rooting for won. That's pretty much all you can ask, right? Now Vince can go and pick out his new car...he's going to be a wealthy young man by April or May, after the NFL draft.

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