Monday, January 30, 2006

Let's Go To The Hop [EZ Running & Circuit]

Today we got together for what we thought would be an easy 7 mile loop around Town Lake. Gilbert suggested that we do that, but stop after 5 miles at Austin High School to do some situps and pushups before finishing. That sounded good to us, so off we went. Jennifer, Brian, Richard, Charlene, Rich, Emily and one other Gazelle formed up a posse and we did those first 5 miles nice and easy indeed, trotting along for the most part. I think I may have picked it up slightly when we got closer to the track, but it stayed conversational. Rich was getting all our race stories from yesterday, and we all had fun chatting away as usual.

Once we got to the track, we found out that Gilbert wanted us to do two circuits, which were just fine. It was a surprise, but it wasn't that tough. After that, we did fast feet, planks, and the two different kind of leg raises with partners. Some fun on the monkey bars later, we were done at the track. Our pack gathered back up, and we finished off the 7 mile loop.

The actual running was in the 9:40/mile range, and it felt totally comfortable. I was surprised that I didn't have any real soreness. The circuits loosened things up, and it was a fun day all around. Everyone is really focusing in on Freescale now, and you can tell folks are paying careful attention to everything now. It's an exciting time in Gazelles World, and less than three weeks to the big payoff!

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