Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Return To The Gym

After a week away from home, it was good to get back to the gym today. I only did 10 minutes on the cycle to warm up my legs a bit, since they were pretty tired after Monday and Tuesday's efforts. Then, it was off the to the Routine. I was pleasantly surprised that I was right where I left off, and I raised the weight and/or reps on most of the upper body stuff today. Increased the reps on a few of the ab exercises, too, so those post-run crunches must be paying off! Even the leg stuff felt all right, and I think it worked out a lot of the stiffness and soreness that I had going into the gym. My arms are still a bit wobbly even after getting home and resting a bit, so I know I worked them hard today. Now, it's off for a tuneup massage with Ron. A good day at the gym.

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