Friday, March 11, 2005

Gym Stuff

Today's gym visit was just fine and dandy. I cut back on the leg exercises just a bit, since I'm planning on a 13-14 miler tomorrow up and over Mt. Bonnell. Didn't do lunges, for instance, and cut the reps on quad extensions, cut the weight on hamstring curls, etc. On the other hand, the ab stuff went well, and I increased weight and/or reps on all the upper body exercises. The Incredible Hulk, I am not, but it's really cool now to do bench press and use weights on each end of the bar that don't resemble tiddly winks. I did 20 minutes on the indoor cycle this time to warm up, due to a modest time crunch. It was a good day at the old gym.

I did see a few amusing things while I was there, including the lady who was snacking away while slowly strolling on the treadmill. Then, there were some huge guys doing massive weights...not amusing, I guess, but I sure don't know why they want to be that big unless they're police officers or firemen. Last, I was wearing my Freescale Marathon Finisher's shirt, and a girl stopped me to ask if I had run Freescale. I paused. Then, I thought about stealing from Bill Engvall, the comedian, and saying something like, "Nope, I just like vintage race clothing as a fashion's your sign." After that thought passed, I politely said yes, and congratulated her on finishing her first marathon at Freescale. I moved on. Sometimes we are saved by our internal conversation filters, right?

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