Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Kaywood Circuit Workout (Entry done on 3/20/05)

While visiting my mother's ancestral homeplace in Mississippi on Spring Break week, I had to improvise my workouts a little to get them in. Without a 400m track, I just had to make up a 1200m sort of loop to run between circuits. No big deal. The hardest thing was doing the Superman jumps while my family may have been peeking out the window of the house. They sure look funny when you're doing them by yourself. :)

Anyway, on a crisp, overcast morning, temperature 51 degrees, I headed out and ran a nice 2.2 mile warmup on grass, gravel roads, and finally a clearcut area of the property. It was really great to be able to run in totally quiet farm country, on such a forgiving running surface. The warmup was at around 9:30/mile pace. Once I got back to the house, I did the first "circuit," doing the usual exercises, but doing 20 x crunches instead of 10, and 15 x back raises instead of 10. Next, I went out and back, for .83 miles at around 9:00 pace, and then did Circuit #2, same exercise and numbers as before. Then, I did .92 miles at 9:15 pace, and Circuit #3, same as before. I drank down some Accelerade, then headed out for a nice 2.2 mile cooldown at about 9:15 pace, and finished it all off with "bonus" crunches and leg extensions, 25 of each.

Did a little stretching, and then spent the rest of the day helping move stuff around the property as we tried to get stuff out of the way of the renovation squad working on the big house.

Altogether, 5.8 miles for the day.

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