Thursday, March 03, 2005

Random Musings...

I don't know about you, but my internal radio station (the one that starts inexplicably playing something like "The Night Chicago Died" over and over...) sends me about every other day into my CD collection, looking for something to cure the particular musical "Jones" that has popped into my brain. For some reason, the last few days I've been enjoying the Collected Discography of Van Halen. There is no substitute, no matter what you think of that group of metallic musicians. I think I may be almost over that, but already I fear that the musical pendulum is swinging way the other way, and next up in the car CD changer will probably be Lucinda Williams or others of her ilk. Sometimes you just gotta go with your mind and see where it takes you. Since I'm a musical omnivore, there's just no telling where I'll lean next, but that makes it a lot more fun.

On the XM radio, I've been hanging out at "Ngoma," Channel 102, the African music channel (real Africa African music, mind you, all hand percussion and snaky guitar lines with large choruses of vocals...wonderful!), "The Village" folk channel (channel 15), and the Reggae channel "The Joint" (subtle, huh?), Channel 101. A great invention, that satellite radio. My strategy is to surf, find a new channel, and just hang out there for a week or two. I've found some great music that I otherwise would have totally been ignorant of had I stayed on Sports Talk and Top Hits. Sunday afternoons, of course, are reserved for the NASCAR network and the radio broadcast of that week's race, but that's another story entirely.

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