Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hanging with the homies...

This morning, I met up with Brian, Alex and Frank for a really easy 7 mile loop of Town Lake. The day was overcast and muggy, but it was still a fun run. These relaxed runs with friends are just the best. No pressure, no worries, we just hang out, run along, and shoot the breeze. Today's topics included love and marriage, women, cars, food, drink and hair dye. We laughed a lot, and I think that we're starting to feel the effects of the marathon fading away.

We chatted with Rachel after we were done, and then did a handful of striders. Those didn't feel all that smooth to me, but then again, that's the first speedwork of any sort that I've done in a few weeks.

We ended up just south of 7 miles for the day, at a 9:43/mile pace including the water stop at Mopac. Actual running was around 9:25/mile. The numbers are only numbers, though, as the important thing is just to let the legs come back slowly...sort of a working vacation.

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