Saturday, February 17, 2007

EZ Running, Some Stretching, etc.

Today was the usual pre-race deal. We got to sleep in, and a sizeable group was there for 30 minutes of easy running on the trail. We got just over 3 miles, and I had no aches or pains, so I was happy about that. Pete sort of talked us into doing the drills instead of just a bunch of striders, and that felt just fine. The weather was really great, so we're all pretty excited about tomorrow's big race.

Stretching featured a whole lot of folks as we sprawled over our grassy corner near Palmer Auditorium. It was a light-hearted gathering, and the marathoners are really goofy right now. For some reason, a photographer that we did not know appeared and circled through the crowd snapping photos. That was weird!

Anyway, now we really don't have anything left to do besides waking up and running a marathon. I know that's a bigger deal than it sounds written like that, but after months of training, I'm just ready to run the race and be done with it for a while. Let the party get started!

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