Monday, February 19, 2007

The Day After...

Well, yesterday didn't go quite according to my plan, but at least today I feel pretty good. Am I sore? Sure. Am I a little stiff and awkward when walking from time to time? Yup. Stairs a challenge? Not too much, but I feel the quads anyway. Weight? Still down two pounds from yesterday's pre-race weight. I'll catch back up by Wednesday.

Today's post-marathon massage? Not too bad, really. Ron took it a little easier on me since the long race was just 24 hours ago, but he worked out most of the junk in my quads and calves, plus the fun stuff in my shin muscles. He gave me some tips about what to do (and not to do) this week as my body gets over Sunday's journey around Austin, so I have a full plan for the week.

Tomorrow, I'll go out for a nice walk and then do some light stretching. Wednesday, it'll be time to go to the gym to start the Great Core Strengthening Project and to do some light cycling just to get the legs spun up a bit. Some stretching on Wednesday as well, but no foam rollers. Not this week! Much the same until Saturday, when I hope to meet up with my pals down at Town Lake for a super-easy 5-7 mile jog to reacquaint ourselves with running. Next week is plenty soon to ease back into every other day running. No leg weight work for two weeks, though. Looks like March will be the return time for that and the speedy Gazelles workouts.

I'm already thinking about future marathon plans, but the soonest I'll run one is in the fall of 2007. I don't want to jump back into marathon training for a while. This spring will be all about 5k/10k/half marathon training and building speed. I need to get rid of those very old 5K and 10K PR's, after all! :-)

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