Monday, March 05, 2007

Return to Circuitry

It was finally time to return to weekly Gazelles training, so I met up with a small crowd (is that an oxymoron?) for circuit training. Nice and easy on a beautiful crisp cold morning (35 degrees!), we jogged over to AHS. It was fun to chat and get back into our routine. Drills and then the mini-fartlek 400m warmup lap (50m quick, 50m jog, etc.). I got in three circuits and did an extra 400m lap before it was time to gather on the square for Gilbert's extra stuff. The circuit training felt fine. Except for a nagging left quad thing, I'm doing well since the marathon.

Anyway, the extra stuff included hopping, the 15/30/45/90 degree leg lift deal, arch/smash, leg over/under, 2 sets of the leg lift and push down deal with a partner, fast feet, and a rowing deal. The upshot of all that? My core is weak. :-)

The nice cooldown run was with Rachel and Colleen, and it was nice to see both of them again. Rachel is on the Boston track, so I don't get to see her as much, which is too bad. I stuck around and did the full stretching ritual with Colleen, and then headed home. I'm glad to get back into the swing of things, and this was a good way to return to it.

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