Thursday, April 07, 2005

Short Pace Run [Posted 4/9 due to issues on Thursday]

I was pretty beat this morning, so I did other stuff around the house, then went to the High School to teach my guitar class. It was a beautiful day, but I sort of didn't find the time to get in my run. Eventually, around 7:00, I got out of the house (and off my duff), and took off for a 45 minute run. I planned to do at least the first 2 miles at a recovery run HR, and then if I was feeling good, I'd ease the pace up a bit, just to half marathon HR numbers, for the rest of the 45 minutes. Gilbert had said that I didn't need to do a pace run this week, but I figured a short run at slightly accelerated pace would be okay.

The first 2 easy miles were at
9:06 and 8:53. After that, I started picking up the pace a little, and surprised myself with how comfortable they felt. I clocked 8:24, 8:06, and 7:37 for the next 3 full miles, and then eased up a little for the last .45 miles at 8:01 pace. Overall, it was a really nice 5.45 miles at an average pace of 8:23/mile. My average HR was in the happy zone, although it did get up a little during the 7:37 mile. It was a good run, and another one on a day when I was sort of trying to not do it. I get a day off tomorrow, with just a gym workout and a cycle warmup, and then it's Mt. Bonnell on Saturday. Sounds like we might have more than Frank and Alex on that one, but it should still be fun to have a gang along.

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