Wednesday, April 13, 2005

More Gym Adventures

Today, I didn't have quite the time I usually do, but I still got to the gym for a solid workout. Just 12 minutes on the cycle to warmup the legs. Then, the full ab repertoire, with a lot of fitball stuff. I think that part of the routine is pretty good. If I get brave, I'll add either Patrick's "Canoe" crunches or Jan's "Evil" crunches to the gym party. :)

I skipped the 4-way leg machine today for the first time, just as a variety thing. Did lunges with weights again, bumping up to 40 lbs of barbell across the shoulders. On the upper body stuff, I increased weight on bicep curls (just to 45 lbs, but that's a big improvement from the 30 lbs that I started with 6 weeks ago), did some extra reps on bench, lat pulldowns were up to 80 lbs, and then I finished things off with something new. To wrap up the workout, I did incline bench press with dumbbells (20 lbs each hand), and after finishing those 2 sets, I finished off my triceps with the usual tricep extensions and a 20 lb. dumbbell. Geez! My arms were all a'quiver by the end of all that.

Who knows? Maybe someday I'll actually be able to see an actual ab muscle...I know they're there, but they're still hiding behind some modest blubber. I know, diet and exercise, diet and exercise... And, I hope to be able to do pullups one day. Maybe sooner than I think.

Oh, yeah, what is it with serious gym babes and the platinum blonde dye job? Usually found with other, uh, artificial enhancements. These are just questions that I have. :)

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