Friday, January 12, 2007


Today, on a soggy, humid day outside, I made my way to Gold's for an indoor workout. I had time today, so I did a little more cycling than usual, a total of 25 minutes, at a slightly higher bpm. On a cycle, it's an exercise in focus to keep the HR up high really have to zip your legs along on the pedals to get a HR that on foot would be no problem in achieving. But, on an off day, this felt just fine as a warmup and alternative workout. I saw Karen from Gazelles cruising along on an elliptical trainer, so I stopped and chatted with her between my cycle workout and the rest of the festivities. She trains on a different day, so I don't see her as often as I once did. Things seem to be going great for her, and it was a nice little visit.

After that, it was time for some concentrated stretching, some foam rolling on the quads (not so bad today, so all my efforts to rehab the sore spots in there seem to be working), and then Core II with the planks. Since I missed yesterday's workout, I did some single sets of just the main leg exercises (quad extensions/hamstring curls, seated calf raises, leg press) to give the legs just a little work. With the 15 mile tour of the 3M course tomorrow, I figured that was plenty. Then, I finished things off with a somewhat abbreviated upper body set, with double sets of bicep curls, bench, seated rows, and tricep pulldowns. Not a bad workout.

Now, it's time to go back to work on the garage cleanup project...

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