Monday, January 29, 2007

Alternate Workouts

Monday was a day to ease into Gold's for some indoor cycling (30 minutes), some core exercises (Core II with the planks), and a single set version of the leg weight routine. I even did a bit of stretching after the cycling, along with some gentle work on the foam roller. Now THAT was interesting! Yeowwww! Anyway, after a slow start on the bike, my legs got happier as the day progressed, and by the end of the workout day, I felt pretty darned good. There's still some good old-fashioned soreness in my legs, especially my quads (it was that sort of run course yesterday), and getting into and out of chairs can be an adventure, but I'm already on the road to recovery.

Tuesday is an easy hour run here in the 'Hood, and another gym visit, probably. We return to Gazelle-ing on Wednesday, which will be fun with all the peeps.

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