Thursday, January 11, 2007

...And The Weather Does Its Thing

So, tonight, after that great crisp morning yesterday, we had almost 70 degrees and humid. Of course, after a couple days of scheduled rain Friday and Saturday, it promises to get back down towards freezing. Crazy, man.

Anyway, today, I failed to go to the gym, but I'll get there tomorrow. Tonight I went out for a nice 6.5 miles of recovery running, 60 minutes, average pace 9:16. Good HR numbers, and everything felt great out there. After yesterday's deep tissue massage, I was worried that I'd feel a little beaten up today, but that was not the case. The recovery continues.

Friday will be a cycle/gym visit, with some foam rolling (Ron sez every other day is about as often as I should use that particular piece of apparatus), followed by Saturday's tour of the new 3M half marathon course. I'm hopeful that it will either be raining and in the 60's, or dry and in the 50's, for the Tour d'Half. Cold and rainy isn't much fun.

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