Tuesday, October 03, 2006

EZ Runnin' and The Gym

This morning was a rendezvous with the peeps for a casual recovery run. The Chicago people are in their long-range taper, so they were limited to 5 miles on recovery days, per orders. The rest of us decided that suited us just fine. We had Alex, Amy, Rachel and Emily this morning, and it was a very enjoyable little run. With a water stop at Mopac, we came in at just under 10:00/mile for about 5 miles, just what we needed. In particular, I needed this run to work out the residual soreness from Sunday's race and the circuit workout yesterday. Worked like a charm. We knocked out 6 striders on the trail, and still finished the whole workout well before sunrise. We really didn't need to start at 5:45am, but it worked out okay that we did. I stretched afterwards with Alex, and that was it for the day.

For a change, I managed to get to the gym this morning, too. I did upper body and legs today, and although I'm still way off my reps and weights on upper body exercises, it felt good to get back into the gym. Now, I just need to keep it up. Same old story. I'm convinced that my indifferent IBM 10K was a result, in part, of my lack of strength training and some desultory adherence to the overall training plan. So, it's time to fix that!

Another good workout day. Tomorrow, I have to manufacture a workout here in the 'Hood that mimics the 3-4 x 2000m workout that the main gang will do tomorrow. I have responsibilities here that prevent attendance at Gazelles on either Wednesday or Thursday, so I have to rely on some discipline to get those workouts done on my own. It's easier to do that when it gets cooler, but with the warm and sticky conditions still lingering, it's more of a mental challenge to get out there as a solo artist. So to speak.

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