Friday, December 16, 2005

Quick Gym Workout [Entered 12-17-05]

Today, I went in to Gold's just for a quick gym workout to hit the high spots. Since we are doing Mt. Bonnell in the morning, I didn't want to do too much. A little stretching, and then just the floor exercises for core stuff. For legs, quad extensions, hamstring curls and calf raises. Then, I did pretty much the usual upper body workout, bicep curls, bench press, lat pulldowns and tricep extensions. On bench, I experimented with doing two regular sets of 8 reps at 100 lbs, and then did a third set of 3 reps at 105 lbs. Just messing around. I know one of the zillion theories of weight lifting is to do sets of very few reps at high weight to push past barriers. What the heck, I'll try it here and there. Not on leg stuff, though.

At any rate, it was a quick visit, and I'm glad I went. It would have been easy to bag this workout today, and it's part of my continuing effort to stay on task with the exercise regiment that I did it anyway. I'm getting faster for a reason (or reasons), and since I can't pin it all on any one workout or item in my weekly routines, I need to continue to do everything on the schedule.

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