Thursday, December 01, 2005


Today was a slightly abbreviated gym workout. I'm taking an extra day off from running this week for a mini-taper for Decker, so no recovery run today. Went straight to the gym and did 10 minutes of cycling, then basically the full stretching regimen afterwards. I did the modified core workout after that, skipping roman chair lifts and the planks. I did all the rest of the core stuff. For leg weights, I did everything, but I did cut the number of sets of seated calf raises, doing just 2 x 15 reps in only one foot position, not the three positions I normally do. For standing calf raises, I also did just one foot position.

Good amount of exercise, and I don't think I overdid it too much this close to the big race on Sunday. Tomorrow, I'll go back for a quick upper body workout with a little core stuff thrown in just for fun. Maybe some cycling, but I'm okay if I skip that.

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