Sunday, January 09, 2005

Weekly stats (1/3-1/9):

For the week, 4 runs, 33.5 miles. Two good speed workouts, a recovery run on Wednesday, and the good longer run in Houston. I feel good, even a little refreshed after the extra off day at the turn of the new year. We are definitely in the homestretch for Freescale. Next week, the last hard test for Freescale comes around, the Buda RunTex 30k race. I want to really do well on that race, since it's been a bit of a nemesis the last two years. I'd like to finish strong for once in that race. Overall, the mileage might be shorter for the next few weeks as we start sharpening and tapering. Basically, this coming week, I have two main runs: Monday's 8 mile pace run (10 miles, with a 2 mile relaxed start and then 8 miles "run as you feel"), and the Sunday 30k race. The other runs are just to mark time between those efforts. The weather looks to be turning much colder on Thursday, so hopefully, we'll have nice crisp weather for the race.

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