Monday, January 03, 2005

Playing Hooky

After the good 23 miler on Friday, I planned on taking Saturday off, which I did. I've had some minor aches and pains, and wanted to take advantage of the last chance for a short rest before the push to Freescale. Sunday, I intended to do a relaxed 60 minute run, but just got caught up in household activities, and instead took a second day off. Today, I wanted to get out there for a run in the hour range, at some moderate pace, just to get the legs rolling again. But, last night, Jake kept us up most of the night with a 24-hour bug, and I was just beat today after getting very little sleep last night. So, today turned into a bonus day off as well. Since Gilbert had intended for us to just take a nice easy run today, I don't think this will harm anything. I'll be out there tomorrow morning bright and early (possibly in a rainstorm) for the 2000m repeats, and that will officially start my Year 2005 running program.

I think this nice break will actually be a good thing, allowing my legs to heal and recover more than usual, and to allow me to attack the rest of the training with good energy. I hope to decide tomorrow on a gym to join, and to get started on a more regimented weight training routine, as well. The weights will mostly be for strength after Freescale, as 6 weeks isn't really enough to build much before the marathon, but it should hopefully establish the habit for the coming year.

Now, I need to go and get the Christmas decoration boxes down from the attic so we can put away all that stuff for another year.

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