Thursday, February 16, 2006

Taper Madness

Today, with no exercise stuff on the calendar, and with the short week of work so far, I succumbed to Taper Madness. My legs feel out of sorts, I'm imagining all sorts of musculoskeletal maladies, and I'm trying to convince myself that I've got a cold or something like that. This is exactly how it is every time I do a full taper, but it's always disconcerting to feel this wacky so close to the race.

On the good side, it continues to look like great running weather is in store for us on Sunday. Today, of course, it was 80 degrees this afternoon, but a cool front is coming, they've promised. I'll go to the Expo tomorrow to get all those chores done, and that's about it for Friday. Tomorrow night, I'll have the traditional baked potato and whatever other foodstuffs that come to mind, but that's the only other ritual that I observe on the Friday before a Sunday marathon.

Closer and closer, tick, tick, tick...

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