Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Cruise Control

Today was a nice and easy tuneup effort, the last before the marathon. Most of the peeps gathered up for an easy 20 minute warmup, full of chatter and discussion, followed by 15 minutes of "diagonals." Those are longer striders with short jogs between on the grass at Auditorium Shores. A lot of the gang wasn't slowing down for the short jogs, so Gilbert called it to a halt at 15 minutes instead of the prescribed 20 minutes of diagonals. No big deal. We stretched moderately as a group, and then we were done.

I feel fine, but as usual at this point, I'm imagining all sorts of maladies. We're watching the weather and trying to get rested and fueled up for the big race. Current forecast is 43-47 degrees, overcast and fair chance of light rain, along with a tailwind of 10-15 mph. That would be okay with me. Later today, I get my pre-race massage to work out the legs, and that's the end of my preparations.

Another fairly restless night of sleep last night, but no marathon nightmares yet. I'm not unusual in this regard. Talking with most of my friends, it seems that everyone is tossing and turning while waiting for the race to start. It'll be over soon, but it's really weird this week. The Race Plan and goals are almost done, and I'll write those up in the next couple of days. At that point, all that would remain is to execute said race plan.

Tick, tick, tick...

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