Sunday, December 12, 2004

Weekly Stats and Stuff

For the week, 4 runs, 41 miles, more or less. Excellent long run and 8x800m interval sessions, plus a true recovery run after Decker and a relaxed 6x900m interval workout while we continued to recuperate from those Decker hills. I was worried that the hard running at the 800m workout would bother me on the 21 miler, but apparently it did not. I took an extra day off, but I think that was a decision well made. The easy bike ride on Sunday with the GalloWayers felt pretty good, too, and it was a nice change of pace to help hasten recovery from the long run.

This week, we've got the dreaded 10 mile Progressive run on Monday, then the even more dreaded Wilke mountain repeats on Tuesday. Wednesday is an easy recovery run, and Thursday is another 4 mile tempo run checkup. Saturday is a 12-15 miler, presumably relaxed with a fast finish. There's some hard stuff this week, but at least the Saturday run is way easier than it's been in 6 weeks or so.

A lot of my Galloway folks did the 50k run at the SunMart ultramarathon race on Saturday, and they apparently had a lot of fun. The goodies that you get are pretty awesome, and they feed the runners really well during the race. It's a really different way of running and racing, but everyone who tries it seems to like it.

In other racing news, Coach Gilbert won the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon today in 1:11, smoking the nearest competitor by 4 minutes! Nice job, Coach! And Elly Rono, of Kenya via North Carolina, won the full Marathon at White Rock. I met Elly at a 30k race in Winston-Salem, NC, a few years ago. Nice guy, and he's obviously very fast. Maybe one day I'll go back and run White Rock again (it was my very first marathon a decade ago)...

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