Monday, December 06, 2004

Recovery Run The Day After...

I must admit, I was a little worried that I'd be totally sore today after the rigors of the Decker Challenge yesterday. However, this morning, I felt pretty great. Some gentle stretching as I woke up helped loosen up the calves, and everything else was in good shape. After a little cross-training putting boxes back in the attic after yesterday's Christmas decorating, I went out this evening for my recovery run. Gilbert suggested up to 7 miles, super easy, and I went for 50 minutes instead.

I felt great throughout the run, governed by my HR watch set on Recovery Range, and really didn't blip the HR monitor except on a couple of inclines on my run. I kept it nice and easy, and enjoyed the feeling of legs that weren't locked up and sore like they were much of last week. This was a wonderful thing. I ended up with just over 5 miles at just over 10:00 pace. Perfect.

The run did wonders for me, physically and mentally, and I finished more relaxed than I had started. Afterwards, I did the full stretching regimen, and found some tight muscles, but nothing unusually bad. This was a great little run on a damp and dreary evening. As I was finishing up, the wind kicked up and was noticeably cooler. Could this be the next promised cool front? We'll see tomorrow.

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