Monday, May 11, 2009


After a night of tossing and turning (you never do just get one of those, do you?) due to the dead air conditioner downstairs, I dragged myself down for circuit training. I figured it would end up being just fine, even with the medicine ball exercises. :-)

Gilbert has added a bunch of new medicine ball exercises to the regular circuit training stuff, and I must say, it's a good addition. It's Ab-Tastic, even if I did forget that we were supposed to do 20 reps of each exercise. I did 20 on one of them, but the others were 10 counts for us. The weirdest one is the "donkey," where we fling the medicine ball with our feet. Sounds odd, and it is, but I got the hang of it today. After 3 circuits, we did a round of a high knee deal with medicine ball, followed by a throw and a short sprint before repeating the deal. Not too bad, really.

No fast feet or hopping today, for which I was grateful. :-)

I had a pleasant return run (with one walk break on the bridge) with Colleen and Whitney, and then we were done. Hung out and had a typical scattered conversation with Gilbert about this weekend's long run routes, and then I was done. Again, it was just great to be able to hang out with my Gazelles buddies. I need to remember that the social aspects of the herd are almost as important as the physical ones.

Hopefully, the guys will get the new AC installed and running today, and we can enjoy a nice cool evening of sleep tonight!

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