Thursday, June 29, 2006

Cross-Training via Lawn Mower

This morning, I wasn't feeling the pull of the open road or the gym, so I substituted some "cross training" by mowing and edging the yard instead. It was good for dropping some water weight, and I got a fun blister on my hand, but other than that, it wasn't much of a workout. I'm going out this evening for a casual 5-7 miler, though. Tomorrow, I'll do a full gym visit, covering all areas, and that will cover me just fine for the week. This weekend, I'll be travelling, so I won't be able to run Saturday morning. Instead, I'll go out early on Sunday for a relaxed Tour d'Lufkin, 90 minutes or so. I'm undecided on Monday. With that 5K leg on Tuesday, I guess I'll just do an easy hour run in Lufkin to shake things out. It's a drag when you don't get to run with your herd for the long runs. At least it is for me. While it's okay to take a tour down memory lane, for instance, I can only take so much solo running. It'll be nice to rejoin the herd for the relay and then Wednesday's group workout.

I thought Erine's entry in his blog from this week was really good, by the way. Check it out. I like the notion of having at least one really great running memory, as Erine defines "happy place," to come back to when needed.

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