Monday, June 05, 2006

Circuitry [Entered 6/7/06]

It's a Monday in June, so it must be circuit training day! It was a huge crowd that started off together this morning, as the fall marathoners and a couple of other new Gazelles groups have started, and they all want to run early. I think most of the 5:30pm group is moving early as well, so it was a big crew that hit the trail today. I managed to learn one guy's name on the way over (Tim), and we all had a good warmup to Austin High. Drills were crazy, with all the peeps, but no one was damaged from collision with a fellow Gazelle, so that was good. Once we were done, Gilbert separated us into veterans and newbies, and those of us who knew the drill took off. He prescribed 400m runs between circuits, so it was actually easier than Memorial Day for us. The circuits were the usual exercises so far. G has promised us lots of new things this June, so it should be interesting before the month is out. Even with all the folks, we managed to pretty efficiently get through 3 circuits in the time allowed, and I even got in a fourth 400, but didn't get a chance to do a fourth circuit of exercises. Times were consistent on the 400's, so that was a success (1:49, 1:49, 1:48, 1:51).

After he gathered us all together, we did two rounds of "fast feet," and we were done. Singing the Iyo Ngwe song helped make the second minute of FF go by easier.

A relaxed return run to RunTex, and we were done. I stuck around afterwards for stretching, and that was the day. Just 4.7 miles total, but it's a nice start to the week.

The rest of the day, however, wasn't so good, with computer problems galore (Windows decided to corrode into useless binary jibberish, and I was out of commission until late on Tuesday). I thought I had gotten a full backup onto my external drive, but it turns out that was only a mirage. I managed to save all the digital photos, my running log data, and the iTunes music was already on the external drive. But, all my nifty running spreadsheets and various documents (race reports from marathons and other races before I started blogging) are gone forever. I can rebuild the spreadsheets as need be, but it's sure a drag to have to do it. Sigh...

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