Friday, September 16, 2005

Gym-my Olsen, Cub Reporter

Today was another fun day visiting the gym. Started with 30 minutes on the indoor cycle, listening to tunes, and I moved up in resistance on the bike today. According to the little computer screen, I covered 6.5 simulated miles. Woo Hoo! When I have the time, it's pretty relaxing to do the cycle thing. Ron (and Alex) have advised me to get out on the open road on my bike for some recovery riding, and maybe I'll get around to adding that at least once a week. It'll be a little goofy on my hybrid cycle, but since I won't be going for speedy group rides or anything super long, my existing Trek should be fine for any 1 to 2 hour type rides. After the cycling, I took 15 minutes to get in most of the stretching routine, just to make sure I was good and loose for the weight work.

The core stuff was occasionally agonizing, but it's a good kind of agony (is there such a thing?). I was able to add a couple of reps on the straight leg raises and on some of the floor work, too. Since we're going 14 miles tomorrow, I took it really easy on the leg stuff, only doing 2 sets of weighted lunges. I like those mainly because they gently stretch out the hip flexors, which tend to get tight on me. After that, the upper body stuff was pretty rugged, because I added reps and/or weight to almost everything today on that segment of the workout. My arms were pretty much used up when I was done. As always, having the iPod made all the difference in making the workout pass by quicker.

That was it. Nothing really exciting or interesting amongst the other gym rats there today. Tomorrow is the aforementioned 14 miler, nice and relaxed, I hope, since I won't have my usual running partner, Amy, in attendance. (Could I have put more commas in that last sentence?) She's got her last triathlon of the season on Sunday, and wants to save her energy for that effort. Good luck, Amy!! Saturday, I hope to catch on with some folks running my speed. I'd hate to have this run turn into some sort of time trial for me, and I'd rather not run alone. We'll see who shows up.

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