Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Another Tuesday, another visit to Gold's Gym, where I'm pretty sure I'm the scrawniest guy there. I may have been the best distance runner in the house this afternoon, but who really knows that kind of stuff?

I didn't do the cycle warmup today, due to a small time crunch, but I got in the full weight workout, which was actually not too bad. I'm creeping back up to my old numbers on the core stuff, but I'm not there yet. Legs were fine, but I'm not worrying too much about increasing the weight on those exercises. Just reps of moderate weight for extensions and hamstring curls, but I do concentrate on the 4-way hip machine to strengthen all those weird muscles that stabilize you while running. The upper body stuff was challenging, and on those I figure I can go for it, since tired arms aren't going to bother me too much on Wednesday doing 400m repeats.

The random tour of the songs on the iPod was amusing, with some really strange jumps in genre, but it kept the workout moving along nicely. I liked the shuffle choice that went from Alice Cooper's "No More Mr. Nice Guy" to Tom Petty's "Don't Come Around Here No More." I thought that was sort of inspired.

Altogether a solid workout, just the third in a row according to my schedule, but at least I've got a streak going. If I get really motivated, I may sneak out this evening for a nice easy 30 minute recovery run, too. We'll see...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I''m familiar with this subject too