Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Dammit, Gym, I'm A Doctor, Not A Mindreader...

Sorry for the Star Trek reference above, but I got amused by it. Anyway, this afternoon it was time to get back to the gym for all the fun that that entails. No cycle warmup today, so I was able to knock everything out in a quick 1:13. I did full sets of everything on core exercise, adding some reps on the floor crunches (those done on the floor, not actual crunching OF the floor). Then, I had to call an audible and do the upper body stuff next since someone had taken up residence on the first leg machine(s). I moved up to 50 lbs on the bicep curl bar, and huffed and puffed through that exercise, trying not to notice the guy next to me doing one-arm bicep curls with 60 lbs in each hand. Intimidating! I also moved up in weight on the tricep extensions, and those were tough at the end of the upper body routine. Finally, I finished with the leg stuff, moving up in weight on hamstring curls and doing all three positions on the calf raises for a change. All in all, it was a good workout. Good stuff on the iPod, too, but it seemed to shuffle to Billy Joel a little more than I'd prefer. For 3 or 4 tunes, it chose instrumental rock and slightly heavier stuff, which was fun because it happened right when I was pushing bench press (Joe Satriani, Eric Johnson, Jimi Hendrix).

Anyway, after I got over the urge NOT to go to the gym, I actually sort of enjoyed myself once I got to the gym. Typical story, that.

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